
Showing posts from October, 2009

100 Disciples: Fall Stewardship Campaign

Each Fall churches look at the budget for the coming year. Often there is a financial campaign, asking church members to make a pledge to God’s kingdom through the local congregation. The pledges, in turn, give an indication of how much money will be available for the church’s budget. In the Fall churches often talk about tithing or proportional giving (giving in proportion to one’s income). Tithing is “the setting aside of one-tenth of one's income for God as is specifically noted in the Bible. Tithing has been the traditional minimum standard of giving for Christians. The United Methodist Church has taken the official position that tithing is the standard for United Methodists, and the practice of tithing is to be actively encouraged in every local church” ( A Dictionary for United Methodists , Alan K. Waltz, © 1991, Abingdon Press). While all of this can be good, there is a problem. It can give the impression that we have to raise money for a budget and therefore that is why we

Salem Will Pursue Buyout

Salem Members met on September 20th to discuss the proposed voluntary buyout of our downtown buildings and property whereby the City of Cedar Rapids would pay Salem $699,127 (the 2008 pre-flood assessed value). While not an official vote, the clear consensus of the meeting was to accept the buyout. Therefore a plan for accepting the buyout and moving forward will be presented for approval to the District Board of Church Location and Building and also to the Bishop and Cabinet. Salem church members will officially vote on the matter at an upcoming Church Conference.