
Showing posts from April, 2019


Photo by  Clem Onojeghuo  on  Unsplash Most of us witness regularly, without even being aware that’s what we’re doing. We tell people about the good restaurant where we ate, the good movie we saw, the good book we read, or the fun new show on Netflix. We do this without being told we should do this. It’s natural. After the resurrection, Jesus told his disciples they were his witnesses in their own city, in the surrounding regions, and throughout the world (Acts 1: 8). This is not difficult. Like telling a friend about the good food you ate at a restaurant, it’s simple to tell a friend about Salem and invite them. We share our experiences of food and stories quite naturally. That’s what Jesus wants us to do, although with something vastly more important. It’s so important that it’s one of the habits we promise to practice as members: sharing Jesus with others. It’s importance doesn’t reflect the need for Salem to grow larger. Of course that is important. Most United Methodist c