The Groundbreaking

It’s been nearly six years since the Flood of 2008 destroyed Salem’s downtown building. On May 18 we broke ground on an 18,000 square foot addition. What a joyous day! After the ceremonial breaking of the ground, it was fun to see the children rush to the shovels to get in on the action. There was opportunity for everyone to move some dirt and have a picture taken.

We expect construction equipment to begin moving dirt at the beginning of June. Foundation work should begin about the middle of the month. There will be a very large hole in the ground with fencing around it for safety. It should be fun watching as each step moves us closer to completion.

In my sermon that day, I said: “So today we break ground, and yes the building will be a tool that’s very useful for our ministry and life together, but here’s the thing: we’re not building for us. We’re building for the world: for the neighborhoods around us, for this city, for the whole world. Because this new church building will not only be a literal place, it will also be an example of the kingdom of God, a symbol of what God is doing to renew Creation.

“And though this hasn’t happened fully yet, we are a little taste of the new heaven and new earth that God will bring into being. As we gather in this new place, as the body of Jesus, we are to show the world what it means to be the world that God intended in Creation. We’re the light of the world. A city set upon a hill. That’s what Jesus tells us.”

Salem’s new building should be ready before Easter next year (2015).

You can see video of the event here and here.


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