Turn Your Cup Over

We always share that Salem's mission, the reason we exist, is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who transform the world. But I wonder, are you a disciple of Jesus? Do you feel like you’re growing to be like Jesus? How would you respond?
I started exercising at a gym last fall. The kickboxing and strength training have been fun and healthy for me. When I began, the instructors shared something that has stuck with me. They can teach me the moves and the routines, but I have to show up and actually do the work. Nothing changes unless I put forth the energy and work hard. I don’t grow if I don’t make these practices habits in my life. No matter how much my trainers like me, they can’t do the work for me.
The same is true at Salem. We invite you to hear what God has done in Jesus Christ and live in the way of Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit as a visible presence of the kingdom of God in the world. Hopefully the church teaches you the moves and routines (worship, small group conversation about what God is doing in your life, serving with your gifts in the church and in the world, sharing your faith with others, giving financially to support the ministry). That’s the church’s responsibility and I hope you’ll let me know if we aren’t doing a good job of that. But each person is responsible for showing up and actually doing the work. You are responsible for making these practices habits in your life. No one can do it for you. No matter how much the church loves you, the church can’t do the work for you.
I remember at Annual Conference in 2013, Bishop Trimble, in his episcopal address, said he was out to eat with a group of people. He noticed that everyone else had been served coffee except for him. He also noticed that he was the only African American. Everyone else was white.
He started to get agitated. He wondered why the server had served everyone else but him; could it be because he’s black? 
Finally, when the server came around again he asked her, “How come everyone else has their coffee but me? Why have you served everybody else except me?”
She smiled and said, “I’d be happy to serve you coffee. You just need to turn your cup over.”
So are you a disciple of Jesus? Do you want to be? Do you feel like you’re becoming more like Jesus? God will fill you up if you will just turn your cup over. God’s grace will fill your life if you open your life to the Lord. You have a role to play in this. You need to show up and do the work.
Dallas Willard writes in his book, The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’ Essential Teachings on Discipleship, “Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning. Earning is an attitude. Effort is an action.”


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