
Showing posts from February, 2015

A Matthew Party for Jesus

"Then Levi gave a great banquet for Jesus in his house; and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others sitting at the table with them." Luke 5:29 Our youth director, Mac Cain, recently shared a story on Facebook. He takes classes at Kirkwood Community College. A  couple days ago he was in his math class and a man sat down next to him. The guy asked Mac about his tattoos and about his Noah's Ark tattoo, specifically. So Mac asked him about his tattoos, especially his swastikas and various other Nazi symbols including the SS he had on his face. The two of them talked for a good hour. During that time the man asked about God. Mac said he told him everything he knew. He asked if anyone was welcome, and Mac told him that no one is too far gone. The guy wondered how that could be true. So Mac told him, “Come to church with me on Sunday and find out.” Mac said it was great, aside from the fact that neither of them did any math that day. I often get to h