Worship Time Change

Beginning September 13 our worship service time will change to 11:45 am. This will be temporary (less than 6 months). Kenwood Park has been so gracious in sharing their space with us and allowing us the best of the three time slots for worship this summer. Since our intention is to move on from the Kenwood Park UMC building as soon as possible, however, they need to be able to return to their own schedule. (They will worship at 8:30 am, have Sunday School at 9:30 am, and worship at 10:30 am.) Therefore, 11:45 am is the first opportunity we will have to use the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. While this seems very late for most people, other congregations in our situation usually need to meet on Sunday afternoon or evening. So I am grateful for this time.

Our Sunday morning discipleship classes for children and youth will meet from 10:30 - 11:30 am. Adult classes will meet as they determine.


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