Salem's Journey to a New Location

Salem has embarked on a journey to a new location. With our Conference Superintendent, Rev. David Crow, conducting the church conference, the congregation voted to accept the gracious offer from New Creation UMC to take over their 8.5 acres and phase one building for the cost of their remaining mortgage (about $312,000). There were 95 ballots handed out to professing members and members of the charge conference. There were 84 yes votes, 9 no votes, and 1 abstention for a total of 94 ballots returned. The motion passed by 89%. Therefore, Salem will move to 3715 33rd Ave SW later this summer.

This is a major turning point in the life of Salem. It has been nearly two years since the flood destroyed Salem’s downtown buildings. Now God is leading us to a new place. I am reminded of God leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. The LORD God told Moses to leave Sinai, where the Israelites received the Ten Commandments, and journey to the land that the LORD had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Moses said to the LORD, “See, you have said to me, ‘Bring up this people’; but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. He said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” And he said to him, “If your presence will not go, do not carry us up from here” (Exodus 33:11a, 12a, 14-15 NRSV).

Like Moses and the Israelites, we do not make this move on our own. We are led in the power of the Holy Spirit. We will journey to a new location only by God’s grace and power. Let us join Moses in his beautiful cry of desperate dependence on God, “If your presence will not go, do not carry us up from here.”

The Leadership Board has empowered a Building Task Force to help us make this journey. This is a gifted and experienced group of people and includes Louis Busch, Linda Jandik, Joy Louk, Mark Minger (chair), Richard Pankey, Bob Thompson, Sharon Vavra, and Paul Vieira. These persons were nominated by the Nominations and Leadership Committee (Percy Caviness, Linda Curson, and myself) and confirmed by the entire Leadership Board for this important responsibility. The Building Task Force will report to the Leadership Board. The Leadership Board, however, will not redo the Building Task Force’s work but rather will serve as "quality control."

The Building Task Force will determine and accomplish what we need to do with our new building and property in order to make it Salem's home. You are welcome to contact any of the Building Task Force members to share your thoughts. Please know, we will not make decisions based on personal preferences but rather by seeking what is best for the kingdom of God. Salem belongs to Jesus. We are his church (Matthew 16:18). In creating this space anew, we will glorify God, edify our members as disciples of Jesus Christ, reach out to new people with God’s peace (wholeness, completeness), and be good stewards. What we do with this space will help set the tone for future building and expansion.

New Creation UMC will not close until the end of June. Therefore, we want to complete whatever work needs to be done in July and August so we can move to that location by the first of September at the latest. If we can accomplish what we need to sooner, we will move earlier than that.

Following the LORD God is an exciting adventure. Thanks be to God!

(click here for local media coverage)


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