Membership at Salem

Several persons have inquired about membership at Salem. This includes people formerly a part of New Creation UMC, people who are new to Salem, and people who were a part of Salem before landing in our new location. We are thrilled that there is such interest in becoming members. I want to take this opportunity to share the pathway to membership at Salem and the expectations of members. 

The pathway to membership includes living out the membership vows for six months or so and then participating in the membership orientation class that I lead, usually on a Sunday afternoon. We meet for a couple hours and then new members are our guests at a special dinner in their honor. 

While we encourage membership, please know that everyone is welcome to be a part of Salem without becoming an official member. Membership is not about privileges; it is about commitment and responsibility. It is the next step up for those who make a greater commitment to God’s kingdom through Salem, submitting to the authority of the church and to the expectations of following Jesus. 

Salem members confess Jesus Christ as Savior and promise to serve him as Lord. Specifically, members vow to faithfully participate in Salem’s ministries by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness. So what do these membership expectations look like? 

Prayers – Jesus prayed regularly in his life. Like Jesus, we exist in relationship with God. Members pursue this deep relationship and formation through regular participation in Bible studies, small groups, and Sunday school classes. Members are the kind of people who regularly pray like Jesus. 

Presence – The defining characteristic of Jesus’ disciples in the Gospels is that they are with Jesus. We are with Jesus when the body of Christ gathers and especially when we gather to listen to the Word of God. Therefore, members are present for worship each week unless sick or out of town. Members are the kind of people who regularly gather together. 

Gifts – What do we have that has not been given to us? Everything belongs to God. As creatures, we are stewards of God’s creation. Members invest their resources to support Salem locally as well as the church worldwide by tithing (giving 10 percent of their income) and then giving more as the Lord leads. Members are the kind of people who give regularly, generously, cheerfully, and proportionally. 

Service – Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Members regularly serve within the congregation (ministry) and outside the congregation in the world (mission). Members are the kind of people who discover their God given skills, talents, and gifts and put them to use. 

Witness – Jesus calls his followers “witnesses” repeatedly. Witnesses simply share what they know or have experienced. Members offer their witness to others by telling the story of Jesus. Members are the kind of people who spread God’s love and grace and interject Jesus into their conversations with others.  

Please let me know if you are ready to make this commitment or would like to talk about it further. Remember, we ask that you are living out these expectations before making it official as a member. I will hold a membership orientation class during Lent so that we can receive new members at Easter.


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