An Important Habit for 2019

I need to tell you the end of the story. For our worship series in December, Nine Months, we read through the entirety of Luke chapter 1 and almost all of the second chapter. We heard about the angel, Gabriel, visiting the old priest, and the young virgin, telling them they would soon have babies. We heard about John the Baptist’s birth, Jesus’ birth, the angelic announcement to the shepherds, and the presentation of Jesus in the temple, where Simeon and Anna, faithful people waiting expectantly for God to act, shared in the joy of Jesus’ birth.
Now here is the rest of the story in Luke’s second chapter. Once, when Jesus was twelve years old, Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. They did this each year. When the celebration was over and they started for home, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn’t know. They thought he was with their group of travelers, but when they couldn’t find him after the first day of their journey, they frantically raced back to Jerusalem.
They searched for three days until they finally found Jesus in the temple, sitting with the teachers, listening to them and asking questions. These adults were all amazed by this twelve year old.
His parents were shocked and upset. They asked Jesus why he had done this to them. They explained how they were worried sick and had been looking all over for him.
Jesus said, “Why were you looking all over for me? Didn’t you know I’d be in my Father’s house?”
The is a wonderful New Year’s resolution for us. As we consider how we will live this next year, like Jesus, we too are called to be in God’s house. Yes, in the physical structure of Salem’s sanctuary and facility, but perhaps even more so in the sense of the Greek New Testament word, ekklesia, the gathering or assembly of the people of God. That happens at Salem but also in our homes and in our neighborhoods and wherever we gather in the world.
We assemble together every week to worship God, to connect in small groups and grow, to serve and make a difference in the world, and to share with others all that God has done. Constantly gathering with the ekklesia is an important resolution for 2019.
Furthermore, technology now allows us to gather even when we’re not physically together. If you are sick or out of town, you can participate in worship from wherever you are and hear the sermon on Facebook Live. It is a live video about 9:20 AM at and it remains accessible on our page after the live video concludes.
You can also connect with Salem anytime, anywhere with a new tool at It works especially well on your mobile device, whether you’re at church, at home, or anywhere else. You can see what’s happening, request prayer, sign up for a small group or to serve, give an offering, or contact us. This is a great tool for your next step in faith.
As you think about how you want to live in 2019, I hope you will remember the end of the story and intentionally practice being part of the assembly of God’s people, whether that’s in God’s house or throughout the world. Jesus is there.


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